I made my own school lunches when I was eight years old, not because my mom was too lazy, but instead I did not like what she packed. Most kids would have given their right arm for my mom’s school lunches, but I did not like chocolate pudding, potato chips, or other sugary foods. Oddly enough, I was a kid who made cheese and tomato sandwiches, packed carrots, nuts, and fruit cups. The first things I would eat from my plate were the veggies and fruit. Sweets were not a favorite of mine. Now, as an adult I am still like this, and as a mother I try to find healthier alternatives that still taste sweet, but are good for my family. I happened upon a post by (never home)maker where she took bananas and dipped them in chocolate then froze them. I loved the idea. I modified it a little, and used Nutella® instead of chocolate. While neither Nutella® or chocolate are healthy in large amounts, the amount used to coat the fruit made a wonderful dessert for my kids that was not entirely sugar.
Yogurt and Nutella® Frozen Banana Bites
Two fresh medium to large-sized bananas
Yogurt of your choice (I used Greek yogurt)
Shredded coconut
Fresh fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or anything else you might like to try)
Parchment paper
1. Peel the bananas and cut them in one inch slices
2. Place the yogurt in a small amount into a bowl, and then dip the bananas pieces so they are coated. Lay them onto the parchment paper on the cookie tray.
3. With some other banana pieces, do the same thing with the Nutella®. You could need to warm the Nutella® in the microwave so it coats better.
4. Sprinkle the coated treats with coconut or crushed peanuts, and then top it with a piece of the fresh fruit.
5. Put the cookie tray into the freezer for about one hour, and then serve immediately.
6. The bites can be kept frozen for up to a couple of weeks in a air tight container, and taste great even days later.