A Décor Disaster!
What I do to showcase is beautiful festive ribbon hanging off the tree like a wet limp noodle, Christmas lights in the shape of pine cones that my cats are thrilled with and are systematically pulling off our tree.
Dirty socks, plastic lunch bags, and a tree skirt that was dragged off somewhere by someone.
To date, we have lost eight ornaments and counting, and even when you think the ornaments up high are safe, think again.
Our two male kittens of around six months old think our Christmas tree was put up just for them to climb and look down on us lowly creatures they call humans.
Not only is my Christmas tree attacked, but the rest of my décor is a train wreck, but I am okay with that.
Christmas is more to me than a perfect Christmas tree, it is a time of year to give more to others, to put up pretty lights that make your kids scream with laughter and clap with joy.
It is for cats to climb and look in amazement at how cool that ornament is as it rolls down the tree and shatters on the wooden floor below.

This is nothing new for me, well maybe the cats in the tree part, but as you can read in this post, one of my very first on Inspired Housewife, our Christmas tree has been more about exploration than decoration.

Do you have a Christmas tree like mine?
What do you do to keep your kids, cat, snakes, or whatever from destroying your tree?
Comment Below!