Not sure how it happened, but my little precious Ayla turned three in December. It seems like yesterday I had my home birth with her and now she is growing up.
Most recognize her for her hair – yes it is real, no I do not dye it that color, it is not a wig, and no I have no clue who her REAL father is. (Just kidding for those who don’t know humor!)
What I do know is that she is “my best friend,” as I am reminded daily from her.
She is sweet, loving, and kind.
She potty trained herself, loves to get messy in the kitchen with her mama, and cleans up her room without asking and is an all around perfect kid.
Not sure how I managed to create such a wonderful little girl, but I did and I thank God daily for her.
A Princess Cake for a Princess!
When I asked Ayla what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday it was Daniel Tiger, but when we were shopping at the party store Sofia the First was a hit because she is a princess and every little girl loves a princess.
Sofia also wears a purple dress which just happens to be Ayla’s favorite color as well.

So, three days before the party she switched what she wanted and I am pretty relaxed because I only make awesome cakes for my kids once a year, so off to Target we went to get a doll that I would stuff down the cake.
The issue I had was I could not find any small Sofia dolls so went with one that was about 10 inches tall.
I wondered how I was going to get her down into the cake to make it look like a dress, but figured how hard could it be.

How I Made this Sofia the First Birthday Cake:
I used a oven safe glass bowl and greased it with butter.
I used two gluten free boxed chocolate cake mixes and mixed them up and then put them into the glass bowl.
It took one hour and 20 minutes to cook the cake in my glass bowl.
I set the cake out on a plate and put it into the freezer to harden up. (I do this because it makes frosting a cake so much easier less crumbs to deal with)
While the cake was cooling in the freezer I whipped up some homemade butter cream icing.
I used 5 sticks of unsalted butter, around a cup of powdered sugar, some almond milk to help smooth out the consistency, and a little bit of vanilla.

I whipped that until it was smooth and creamy and then added in my food coloring.
Once I had the purple color I wanted I took the cake out of the freezer and cut a small hole in the middle of the cake.
My doll was indeed too tall so I had to put her into a sitting position.
In order for the cake to lay flat I had to remove some of the cake where her legs would go, but it worked out perfectly.
I then dirty iced the cake and put it back into the freezer for about 15 minutes.

Once the icing was hardened I put the second and final coat of purple icing on the dress.
I did not use any fancy cake making tools just used what I had laying around the house and a regular kitchen spoon to smooth out the top of the dress.
I used a Wilton’s sparkly glazed icing I had in my stash to create the flowers and other little details of the dress.
From start to finish it only took me about 4 hours to do this cake which I felt was pretty fast considering I had never done anything like this.

Everyone at the birthday party thought the cake looked amazing and while it was not perfect my daughter loved it.
When she first saw it she screamed princess and clapped while jumping up and down.
If I can do this cake so can many of you, all it takes is a little bit of time and a lot of love.
Do you make your kid’s cakes too?
What kind of cakes have you made?
Comment Below!